Old Finnish Sayings About Christmas

Old Finnish Sayings About Christmas

Jun 07, 2024

Christmas has always held a special space in the hearts of the Finnish people. It lights up both the houses and hearts during one of the darkest times of the year. It brings hope as people start looking forward to the spring time and the next big celebration, Midsummer.

Old sayings reveal a lot of the Finnish culture and how important Christmas has always been to the Finns. Are you already familiar with these traditional Finnish sayings?

Joulu on joka vuos, mut juhannus ei oo ku kerran kesässä.

Christmas is every year, but Midsummer comes only once in a summer.

Joulu juhlista jaloin, pappi paras vieraista.

Christmas is the most novel of all the celebrations, and the priest is the best of all guests.

Talvi tulee, koska kerkiää, joulu aina ajallaan.

Winter comes when it feels like it, Christmas is always on time.

Hae sinä mennävuotista joulua!

Like searching for a past Christmas! (Used when it is hard to find something)

Enne kesä lehmättä kuin joulu akatta.

Rather a summer without a cow, than a Christmas without a wife.

Me tuotiin joulu kirkosta kotiin.

We bought Christmas home from the church.

Tulis joulu, että saisi yöllä syödä.

Oh, it to be Christmas so I could also eat at night!

Joulu tulee, että ei ehdi naamaansakaan pestä.

Christmas comes so I won’t have the time to even wash my face.

Jos jouluna tuisku, niin juhannuksena sataa.

A blizzard on Christmas means a rainy Midsummer.

Vihreä joulu tekee valkoisen pääsiäisen.

A green Christmas makes a white Easter.

Photos: Helsingin Valokuvat / Martat

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